The Classics
Top 40
A Special Moment
24kt Live Entertainment can customise their song list to any booking.
Having vast experience in the wedding and corporate sector helps the band gauge their audiences’ reaction to the songs they are performing.
This amazing skill allows the band to interact with the crowd and deliver an incredible, unforgettable performance. Your guests will be so impressed!

The Songs
24kt Live Entertainment are always open to requests
We have a huge repertoire that we’re constantly adding to, but if you have a certain song you’d really like to hear live at your event, let us know.
If we think it will work, we’ll likely take it on board. We wouldn’t expect you to choose the entire set. That’s what you’re paying us for, right? We feel with our knowledge we know where certain songs will go down best!

First Dance
24kt Live Entertainment are always delighted to receive requests to perform a First Dance live
It would obviously need to suit the band and if it’s something we think wouldn’t work, we will insist on you using the original recording.
Requests should be made with a minimum of a month’s notice